
Nerina Visser of etfSA is one of the foremost Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) experts in South Africa and while Just One Lap takes the one ETF to rule them all approach, Nerina takes a much more nuanced approach.

In this JSE Power Hour Nerina will focus on how to analyse and evaluate individual ETFs for their suitability for your investment objectives.

She'll then show us how to put them together, how to monitor aggregate exposure over time to identify (unintended) concentration and gaps, and what to do about it.

Her insights will be applicable for both tax-free and discretionary ETF investing.

DATE:  Thursday, 20 August 2020

TIME:  17:30 - 18:30

WEBINAR:  Click here

RSVP:  Monday, 17 August 2020

FURTHER INFO:  Makgotso Ngoako on 011 520 7655

                              [email protected]

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