Published 15 Jul 2019
Posted by JSETestSuperEditor

Johannesburg, 28  January 2019The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has officially opened registration for its 2019 Investment Challenge.

The challenge, which draws in school learners and university students with an interest in investment and stock markets, is in its 46th year. Over the decades the initiative has come to be highly regarded as an instrument that introduces the country's youth to investing and the stock exchange.

Last year the challenge attracted more than 22 000 school learners and university students.

Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Officer at the JSE, Ralph Speirs says: "This challenge is a great vehicle for financial literacy. There are plenty of valuable lessons on investment that young bright minds take away from participating in a challenge of this nature."

Speirs says that the JSE Investment Challenge, which runs from March to September each year, impacts more than just the lives of the young people who participate. Through the learners' and students' participation, the message is spread throughout their communities.

The challenge takes the form of a simulator where each team of four learners or students from the same school or institution are given an imaginary sum of R1-million. With this imaginary amount the teams trade on the stock market and invest in actual JSE listed shares over a six-month period. What they learn in this time has great potential to positively impact the South African economy in the future.

Participation is open to school learners between grades 8 and 12 as well as students from higher learning institution. The various teams compete with other teams from schools, and institutions, countrywide. There are plenty of prizes to be won monthly. There are also annual prizes for top performing teams, schools, teachers and mentors. The team that wins the JSE Investment Challenge receives cash deposits into an investment account for each of the team members and the top performing university team is awarded a trip to an international stock exchange.

"We are calling on schools, teachers, and students, to heed the call to register and acquire this knowledge and these skills this year. The long-term ramifications of what they learn will impact positively on their lives in the future," says Speirs .

For further information on the challenge visit:



The Johannesburg Stock Exchange is based in South Africa where it has operated as a market place for the trading of financial products for 130 years. It connects buyers and sellers in equity, derivative and debt markets. The JSE is one of the top 20 exchanges in the world in terms of market capitalisation and is a member of the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) and holds the chairmanship of the Association of Futures Markets (AFM). The JSE offers a fully electronic, efficient, secure market with world class regulation, trading and clearing systems, settlement assurance and risk management.


For more information or to arrange for an interview, please contact:


JSE contact: 

Samkele Diseko
Communications Officer
Tel: +27 011 520 7642
Email: [email protected] 


Ambani contact:

Tshililo Manenzhe

Account Manager
Tel: +27 011 888 8786/066 305 2388
Email: [email protected]