JSE Function Resource Guide
To assist you in the planning process for your Function, we have compiled the following information.
Ancillary Areas
The Venue for hire includes rest rooms and the common areas located in the JSE lobby.
- Access to the Premises and your conduct on the Premises is subject to the JSE’s Policies and Procedures (relevant extracts of which applicable to the hiring of the Venue are available on request).
- You will ensure that at all times during the Function (including constructing and dismantling) you and your employees, Staff and guests, comply with the JSE’s Policies and Procedures.
- If you wish to conduct a “dry-run” of the Function, you or your Staff, performers, exhibitors or any other persons associated with the Function shall be allowed to do so 48 (forty eight) hours prior to the commencement of the Function on a Business Day, during office hours (09:00 to 16:00) and subject to confirmation with the Function Officer. Note that a “dry-run” incurs no additional cost, but that a detailed Function Set-Up will incur the charges indicated on the Venue Pricing page.
Audio Visual
- The JSE will provide standard audio visual equipment for the Function. You acknowledge that you will comply with the requirements of the Function Officer with regard to the volume of sound produced in relation to the Function. For additional requirements, please contact our Preferred Suppliers as reflected on the Preferred Supplier page or consult your Function Officer for assistance.
- You acknowledge and confirm that it will be your responsibility to negotiate the terms of service and rates with the Preferred Supplier. If you are using the Auditorium your presentation must be designed in a 16.9 presentation.
- We request that details pertinent to Banners required for your Function be recorded in the Function Sheet and discussed with your Event officer prior to your Function date. Only professionally printed signage is allowed in the Venue areas.
- These signs can be used with easels or in sign stands. Banners may be hung from the skirting of the registration desks. No banners may be hung along the walls of the public areas of the reception foyer. In addition, nothing is to be placed over exit doors or located to conceal or obscure any exit.
- We offer webcasting and conference call facilities at the Venue, as a result, there is the likelihood that you, your employees, Staff or guests may be included in a webcast and/or broadcast of a Function.
- You will ensure that your employees, Staff and guests will be made aware of the possibility that their picture, likeness or description in any and all present and future media may be subject to broadcast or any other mode of media.
Get custom design menu proposals for your Function or consult your Function Officer for assistance. You acknowledge and confirm that it will be your responsibility to negotiate the terms of service and rates with the Preferred Supplier.
Condition of Premises
- You will, for the Venue Rental Period (including constructing and dismantling of any Function) protect all floors, walls, soft furnishings, glass, pillars, cornices, entrances, decoration, artworks, furniture and fixtures and fittings relating to the Premises and may not paint, affix or attach thereto any advertising signs, notices or other matter without our prior written consent.
- Prior to vacating the Premises, you must, at your own expense, ensure that the Premises and Equipment have been restored to the original condition they were in prior to the Function, this includes the cleanliness of the Premises.
For custom design décor for your Function or consult your Event Officer for assistance. You acknowledge and confirm that it will be your responsibility to negotiate the terms of service and rates with the Preferred Supplier.
You are responsible for ensuring that persons who supply equipment, decorations and other goods and all other persons on the Premises in connection with the Function, shall bring in and take away goods at such time as the Event Officer considers reasonable and in such manner as to cause nuisance or annoyance to the JSE. In any event this shall not be before 06:00am or after 10:00pm.
Diagrams of the Venue and Venue Set-up are available from your Event Officer.
- The JSE provides standard electrical services and access. In the event that you require additional electricity requirements for the Function, please indicate this on the Function Sheet and contact your Event Officer in writing 14 (fourteen) days prior to the Function to assess the possibility of complying with such requirements and if necessary, arrange for such additional electricity, at your cost.
- You are not permitted to alter or add to the existing electrical installations on the Premises without our prior written approval. You acknowledge that in the event of load shedding and/or any other interruption of electrical supply to the Premises, the JSE only has capacity for uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for the projector, computers and emergency lights on the Premises.
Emergency Procedures
Paramedics, Fire Department and the Police Department are all located within close proximity to the JSE.
Our security department, as well as a small number of other employees, are trained in CPR and First Aid.
Emergency evacuation routes and procedures are contained in the JSE’s Policies and Procedures.
Specific details and the range of available equipment are available from your Event Officer on request. You will pay any costs of hire, delivery, removal and installation of any Equipment requested by you that is not in the JSE equipment inventory. No Equipment belonging to the JSE shall be removed from the Premises. For more information on Equipment, please contact your Event Officer.
Fire Codes
You are required to comply with the Fire Codes as contained in the Exchange Square Emergency Procedures document (relevant extracts applicable to the hiring of the Venue will be provided to you on request).
Get custom design floral arrangements for your Function or consult your Event Officer for assistance. You acknowledge and confirm that it will be your responsibility to negotiate the terms of service and rates with the Preferred Supplier.
Intellectual Property
You may only use the text “JSE” reference in terms of the Venue details for your Function. You shall have no right to use any intellectual property of the JSE (including, but not limited to the JSE logo) in any manner whatsoever in relation to your Function or otherwise. If you are unsure as to manner in which you may use the reference to the “JSE”, please contact your Function Officer for further assistance.
Internet Services
The JSE provides a (limited) free and unsecured JSE Wi-Fi hotspot connection to the Customer on the Premises.
If the Function is scheduled between 09:00 and 17:00 the JSE will provide 5 (five) parking bays on the Premises. You are to provide the following information to the JSE or your Function Officer 24 (twenty four) hours before the Function:
- Name and Surname;
- Car Registration details;
- Make and model of the vehicle.
For Functions scheduled after 17:30, the JSE will provide parking in the JSE basement on a first-come, first-served basis on the condition that such parking is not guaranteed as the JSE has limited parking facilities. You should arrange all other parking required for the Function. Parking in adjacent buildings may be arranged directly with 24 Central (at 011 447 6195).
- The taking of photographs or filming on the Premises, including the JSE Reception area, is not permitted without our prior written consent and you will be required to bring this restriction to the attention of your guests attending the Function.
- For your professional photography requirements, please consult your Event Officer for assistance. There is the likelihood that you, your employees, Staff or guests may be included in photograph or filming on the Premises.
- You will ensure that your employees, Staff and guests will be made aware of the possibility that their picture, likeness or description in any and all present and future media may be subject to publication or any other mode of media. You acknowledge and confirm that it will be your responsibility to negotiate the terms of service and rates with the Preferred Supplier.
Registration Desks
You are to advise the Event Officer and reflect in the Function Sheet the number of tables and/or chairs required for a registration desk. If additional staffing is needed for your activity or registration desk, please consult with your Event Officer. Handwritten signs and flip charts are not allowed in any JSE common areas. Mobile registration (if required) may be placed in the following areas of the Premises:
- adjacent to the Auditorium;
- adjacent the Wallboard;
- adjacent to the Basement lifts; or
- as agreed in consultation with your Function Officer.
Removal of Refuse
You will ensure that the Venue and all ancillary areas utilised are left clean and tidy. Failure to do so may incur charges for your account for additional services, including rubbish removal.
Media broadcasters conduct live transmissions from the JSE Reception area every weekday. During the live transmission times (or any other broadcast time as notified by the JSE from time to time), the Customer shall limit pedestrian traffic in the Premises (specifically between the Auditorium and the Entertainment Area) and comply with all reasonable directions prescribed by the Event Officer and ensure that the amount of noise and unnecessary distractions on the Premises is limited.
Public restrooms are located on the west side of the JSE lobby.
Safety and Security
- You will comply with all the safety and security requirements of the JSE as provided in the JSE Policies and Procedures. You will ensure that emergency exits, equipment or signage are not covered, obstructed or interfered with in any way during the Function.
- In the event that the Function exceeds 200 (two hundred) guests you are required to provide a medical and emergency response car and the attendance of 2 (2) Basic Live Support personnel on the Premises during the Function.
- The JSE shall liaise with the Local Fire Department or appropriate emergency services provider, however such services will be for your cost. In addition, 1 (one) additional security guard will also be required on the Premises and an additional security guard for every 100 (one hundred) guests thereafter and any additional cost will also be for your cost.
In adherence with national legislation, smoking is prohibited on the Premises and within 5 (five) metres of any doorway, window or air intake where smoke may enter the Premises. For the avoidance of doubt, smoking is prohibited in the restrooms and the JSE lobby.
- The JSE will provide standard technical services for the Function. If you intend on using additional technical services, we reserve the right to insist that a technician is hired from the JSE and you will pay all subsequent charges in relation to the Function for the use of such technician.
- We use the Microsoft operating system in relation to computer equipment. If you run an alternative operating system you must ensure that the necessary testing is timeously performed during the dry-run to ensure compatibility with our systems.